Last updated 2022-05-10
Steve had realised that he had to be home by Saturday (not Sunday!) to be ready to fly his day-job jet, so after a two-ship departure and overhead break we split off into our respective journeys: he southbound RTB, me northbound, now trying to head direct to Canada, since it seemed that any attempt to make it as planned to Port Orchard (E of Seattle) was likely to see me weathered-in for 4 – 5 days. About an hour later I received a msg from Steve (on the ACARS, of course) telling me he had a 9 knot tail-wind. Strange, because so did I. In fact, during the day we each observed ground speed readings of over 120 kts. The Universe was shining on us both.
As planned the night before, today would have presented a bit of a challenge, time/distance-wise, allowing for following mountain passes and avoiding some of the higher terrain. However, high ceilings allowed almost completely direct routes to be taken and a decent tailwind allowed each leg to be extended, such that the planned route with four legs was accomplished in three flown, and none of the planned stops were made.
Ultimately, the route flown was through Lebanon (S30) to Elensburgh (KELN), passing on the way Mts. Hood, Adams and Aix. From Elensburgh, with the weather that would have grounded me at Port Orchard encroaching from the west, I made the dash for the border, crossing it at 49.00N/119.52W, per my clearance, soon thereafter overflying Oliver (CAU3) and continuing to Penticton (CYYF), my Airport of Entry. After a phone call to Canadian Immigration Services (so much more chilled than US CBP!) I was cleared to go, so fueled-up and headed back down the inbound track, to Oliver.
Wonderful scenery around here, even in overcast and slightly precipitous conditions, and great to arrive at Oliver and catch up with the Gillespies.
Stats: 5.6 hrs logged, 4.9 flown, 531nm track.
Total Stage I: 16.4 logged, 13.6 flown, 1,175nm (vs. 916nm direct).

Photo: Steve Randall