Last updated 2022-07-07
Packed-up the bird and departed Thunder Bay and Canada. Disappointing, but like I said, probably pragmatic. Re-entered the US at Sky Harbour, Duluth (KDYT), where a CBP Officer was parked out on the ramp awaiting me. Polite, business-like and efficient, I was cleared home in 10 minutes. Then I hopped to Superior (KSUW) a full 3nm away. There was the ubiquitous Ce.152 flying a B-52 pattern (WHY do people teach like that??) and I couldn’t just snick in on a short base because I’d have to back-track to vacate rwy 04, and that would have been bad form – someone would have been going around. So, the flight took 50% more time than it needed to.
Met Brennan who owns 100 Octane Aviation and had him take a look around the plan and to borescope the #2 cylinder. Scoring found. Discussed a plan to pull the #2 cylinder for further inspection, but he’ll do that at Ashland (KASX) where the plane can be hangared.
Then took 833 to Ashland (via ‘Objectionable’, a lovely public-use grass strip air park) to be met by a long-time Chippie friend, Alan Klapmeier. After getting 833 settled and me unpacked we returned on the 1st to remove all the cowlings, thus giving Brennan unfettered access.
I flew back to SoCal DLH – MSP – SNA later on the 1st.
Stats: 3.0 hrs logged, 2.5 hrs flown, 226 nm track (of which 8nm was the 3nm direct from DYT to SUW).

How can you not love the lines of the 757, Boeing’s most elegant (and notably over-powered) jet?
That’s it for now.